Gates Au Sable Lodge

Golf Courses in the Grayling Area

(courtesy of Judy) Looking for a place to golf while visiting in and around Grayling? Look no further than the Grayling Country Club, The Patriot Golf Course and Forest Dunes Golf Club. Grayling…

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Au Sable River Festival

For 22 years I've owned and operated a motel here, and been part of the Grayling Visitors Bureau. So I've watched and participated in the activities that bring people to Grayling. And it happens again…

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Warbler Tours

Is this one on your Birders Life List? The Kirtland’s Warbler is one of the rarest warblers in the world and is recognized on Michigan’s endangered species list. This guided tour begins at Hartwick…

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Spring Fishing and Boating

Get that fishing gear out of storage and head for the AuSable or Manistee Rivers in the Grayling, Michigan area. What a great way to start off the warmer months. The leaves are budding, birds are…

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Spring Biking on the Local Trails

Springtime biking and hiking are great ways to start off the warmer months. The leaves are budding, birds are migrating north, the snow is melted and, if it's a cooler day, there are fewer mosquitoes…

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Early Winter Walk

Because there's no snow yet, I took a walk with my sister around one of Crawford County's state campgrounds. It's more fun than working out on the elliptical. As you might guess, the campground is…

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