Canoeing & Kayaking in Grayling MI

The world famous Au Sable and Manistee Rivers have crystal clear water and no rocks or rapids, just an easy 3-5 mile per hour current. Canoeing or kayaking through beautiful forests of pine, birch and cedar on rivers perfect for beginners, couples, families or large groups is the ideal way to enjoy a warm summer day or to view magnificent fall colors. Catch an occasional glimpse of deer, mink, blue heron, several species of ducks, and other birds and wildlife. Enjoy trips with swimming, fishing,  and picnicking. Kayaks are available for a unique outdoor experience.  Trips range in length from 2 1/2 hours to several days.

Carlisle Canoe Livery

We offer canoe, kayak trips from 2 1/2 hours to several days. We can customize your trip for your enjoyment. The AuSable River from Grayling to Oscoda offers many campgrounds with facilities for a…